A warm cozy bed to sleep in at night, and during the afternoons on those lovely days where I don't have anything terribly pressing to get to.
A soft snuggly husband who calls me funny names and has way too much nipple hair (he made note of this little known fact, not me - just for the record)
A direction and plan for my life as a vet, I've been waiting for that one to come along for about as long as I have been trying to be a vet... something like, say, 23 years... on that note check this out and this, I am planning for my fourth year rotational externship opportunities! I'm applying to both!
A big lovable dope of a dog, who is finally beginning to show signs of maybe understanding the 'GET YOUR HEAD OFF OF MY COUNTER AND OUT OF MY SINK... AND OUT OF THE TOILET... AND HEY! OUT OF THE BATHTUB TOO!' command... I think the treadmill is actually paying off... only now I have to deal with the other blessing in my life who is currently ricocheting off of the walls like an ewok on a caffeine high. Bella's getting plenty of exercise, but it's been several weeks since the Marsical has been out! Who knew our little migrations were holding so much at bay!
Hair dye, sexy underwear, pumpkin rolls, Excedrin pain reliever, and eBay
Speaking of eBay! LA-DEE-DA! My Christmas shopping is done!
Speaking of Christmas! My tree is up and showering our home with warmth and happiness - such a simple, sweet blessing that is!
Speaking of sweet blessings... I love my family, I miss them all, and a part of me longs for the good old days, when we all shared the same house... the comfort of having my favorite people surrounding me all the time... But don't get any ideas Mom - I'm still sending you to a home! Just kidding, I love ya! :)
Happy Thanksgiving - wish me luck with this year's bird!
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