Oh the perils of posing animals... Well for that matter, posing myself sans double chin is hard enough by itself without the addition of canine family members! All the same, the idea was in my head and I forced my darling husband and unsuspecting roommates to participate. A family picture for Christmas, its a charming ambition don't you think?

The small horse that we own and love, isn't a poser. She is not photogenic. It is not a pretty experience trying to capture her grace and beauty from the other side of a digital camera. She would much rather lay prostrate displaying a lovely view of her privates, than to sit proudly like the fine specimen of the noble breed that she is.

The little rat that we own and love has a posing problem of her own, namely an attitude issue! As in, "I am not looking at your camera, not going to do it, won't happen! I will contort my body in weird and abnormal positions just so I don't have to look at that stupid camera! AND if you set me down for a small breather, (ie: a break so mom and dad can try to keep from losing their shit and yelling at their dumb, unposable creatures) I will run ALL THE WAY upstairs and hide on your bed, and then I WILL pee on your bed when you march ALL THE WAY up there to get me -- and I will do this EVERY SINGLE TIME you set me down!" Yeah, that's attitude if I ever saw it!
Couple this with a severe allergy to dog dander, and a husband who, bless his heart, can't do more than one thing at a time, and you have a Christmas picture filled with:

*skin hives
*grumpy expressions
*turned heads
*missing heads
*contorted body positions
*missing family members (so sorry Simon)
*slobbery bones dangling blurrily in front of the shot
*tons of double chins all around
*a flash of the random and unplanned Christmas cleavage
*Plenty of doggy vulva!
Merry Christmas, hohoho... I will make you all wait for the final product, but let's just say that Adobe Photoshop will be making up for it's inflated cost at the Wengel household this holiday season!