Well, I am alive and kicking... past that... I'm not so sure...
It's been a rough semester, and sadly it's far from over... All the same, spring is in the air - the barbecues are being fired up, and the dogs are (with Marcie - quite literally) bouncing off the walls to get out for a walk. The fresh air helps. It helps a lot.
We ate dinner on the picnic table tonight, and the asparagus was heavenly! It's the simple things really.
I have my fourth year schedule two rotations from completely finalized. The light is getting brighter, down there at the end of the proverbial tunnel. The Codepoet and I have been talking plans for the fast approaching future.
Where will we be, what will be doing, how much money will we have, how much money will we need, what should we do, what can we wait for, when do we just jump in head first...
When I am done with this schooling business, it all seems so final - at last we are really, truly grown up. Codepoet has been testing the waters, transiting us in, so to speak, but the real deal is right behind the corner, and whoa! Yeah, whoa.
How do you juggle it all, without losing yourself in the midst, I thought vet school was trying - the thought of being completely and totally responsible for our future, that's heavier than I anticipated!
God is faithful. Thank God he is faithful. We are blessed. I'm doing just fine, one step at a time, just fine.
In the meantime, I have transitioned into a new artistic release, in between the everything else (which sadly demands the shotgun seat in the minivan of life- right now!) Finally, I am starting - and cross your fingers - finishing my wedding album!! I am having a blast with digital scrapbooking! I am using several free kits from a designer called Shabby Princess When I am done, I hope to have a professionally bound book printed! Yeah! I will also likely have the pages available online for viewing... we shall see.
And on that note, if you view my flickr pictures at all, I have decided not to renew my pro-account for this year - so I don't get as many sets/folders. All of my pictures are still there, only probably more difficult to find and not as organized. Ah well, such is life :)
Here are some of the pages I have been working on - pretty cool, huh?

You are there! Alive, well and BUSY! Thanks be to God! One step at a time....love, Sue
cool scrapbooking!
I think your plans for the future should involve a move to Cedar Rapids...
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