We made a deliciously simple dinner
We talked about eating by candle light, but neither one of us made any effort to find the candles
We shared in a small block of chocolately treat
I got a back rub, no questions asked AND undivided and much needed assistance with my math problems
He got a sexy good night smooch at 10PM
I studied until 12:30 AM, only to do miserably on my test at 8:00AM
Pathetic? Maybe. But it was wonderful all the same. Really wonderful. Really.
Life is flying by. I am trying to find joy in the little things. Doggy pigtails and roller rinks. Trying not to focus on the bad things. Broken water pipes and cat bites. I suppose the good comes with the bad. And I come with a ready supply of medication :) So it all works out in the end.
I leave you with this, it made me laugh and laugh and laugh... Like I said, it's the little things...

The Engel family is proud to announce the arrival of Baby Girl Pacifica!
We brought our 2004 bundle of joy home on Jan. 29th 2007.
Big sisters Bella and Marcie welcomed her with open arms and wagging tails.

Our family feels just a little more complete, and certainly our hearts are approximately 3,500 lbs fuller! Thank you for all your kind thoughts during this special time in our life!
(Our joy is only slightly over-shadowed by the loss of Selena Taurus... So, in loving memory of the little blue car who could... We are moving on!