Don't hold your breath waiting, my brain is a little scattered as of late with pharm and cardio... at the same freaking time! But, I will promise, the 'after' - it's good! As in dead cow stretched over squishy padding kind of good. See, your interest is piqued! Your hooked... You are going to keep coming back in a state of rapt suspense... I promise to deliver, just not sure when...
And on a side note, wish Bella good luck and send her thoughts of calm submission for tomorrow - she takes the first of two tests to become a licensed therapy dog.
Yeah Bella!
Yikes! I must be a mushy brain - look at the layout of this post! shameful! At least I spell checked... at the very least I did that...
Shoot that new room looks hot. So did your hair tonight, check out MY post...
Hey, more details! Is that your TV hanging over the fireplace? Come on, rapt suspense? You're begining to border on torture now... Not fair...
Heard about the mouse.
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