1)Scabies, malassezia dermatitis, and flea allergy dermatitis. "Intense" is classified by the type of itching that if you were to throw a tennis ball, the dog would stop to scratch on the way to retrieve it, and at least twice on the way back with the ball ;)
2)Technically both can infect humans, but the answer I was fishing for was sarcoptes, as it is the only one that reliably causes lesions in owners of infected pets. (and supposedly M.D.'s do not know how to appropriately treat said condition, but that is another story entirely, and probably faulty info at best!) (shout out to all my M.D. readers!)
3)Dust mites it is, pesky buggers! Do you know the average mattress doubles in size over a ten year period thanks to these little guys!
4)licking - a cat can remove half its hair coat before an owner even suspects a problem - talk about a hair ball!
5)Demodicosis (demodex mites that lives in the hair follicle), dermatomycosis (better know as my friend the ringworm), and stap. intermedius infections
6)Boxers (Miss Penny - make sure to keep those lips clean and dry!)
7)True, it lives peacefully with the rest of the normal flora, quietly plotting its total body takeover!
8) Pseudomonas - apparently this bug is prone to developing nasty drug resistance, and there is not a large spectrum of affordable or licensed veterinary antibiotics that can get overcome this problem! (malassezia on the other hand can be cleared up rather quickly with frequent Selsen Blue shampooing, and can also be treated sytemically with ketoconazole)
9)The pruritis will subside initially, but quickly return and show no further response to the medication
10)aww, poor Jubilee... she licks and scratches, and rolls - especially come spring time. Fatty acids have shown to relieve pruritis in 75% of mildly atopic patients when supplemented once daily. Hey, it's worth a shot!

Thanks for playing along - if only my actual exam was this fun!


At 10:13 PM, Blogger dr. david said...

Wow, hard test. Interesting though.

Pseudomonas causes "swimmer's ear" in humans. Same problem, antibiotics not much good for it, but the little buggies whither up and die when the pH drops. We treat with boric acic or even distilled vinager. Wipes 'um right out.

What's a sarcopity? Don't think I've ever seen one...


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